Lps D.I.Y.s, customs, and more!

       In this post I will be doing (well, obviously) stuff for your littlest pet shop toys! And to start it off, I'll be making some D.I.Ys for my pixie customs! (Btw they're customs of the main characters in powers unite, a book series on stitchj56's blog, which I'll leave a link to) here are some pics of little box houses we've already made! www.stitchj56.blogspot.com

I'll start it off with some cute 'no print' potion bottles, enjoy!

Here's some mini scrolls
Time to make a bed!

Here's a video for a lps pixie satchel!

Now I'll make a little lantern so the pixie have some light!

Now let's make a seat for the pixies!


  1. lol, The sticks for the bed looks like pretzel sticks πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ƒ I love watching these DIYs πŸ’— you should make some on your other blog sometime πŸ‘


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